Artbreaker Artiscape Beach Diamond R Webster April Hanover Barnett Hanover April Mist S Bousfield
Ayr Mission Daylon Alert Ayr Direct M Elvin Artribute Art Major Classy Princess S Young
Ayr Time Daylon Alert Round Three S A Flower Ayr Luck Daylon Alert Rackem Again J Harvey
Ayr to the Throne Daylon Alert Dear Me G M Keith Ayr Panama No Pan Intended Poudine du Pan P Mather
Ayr Warrior House of Cards Another Halo S A Flower Ayr Vitro Daylon Alert Take Wing H O'Neill
Barnett Dewi Barnett Hanover Saunders Tip Top C Nicol Brooklyn Hall Camotion Crystals Beauty B Thompson
Beach Bound Chaps Saunders Beachgirl Cernyw Stables Brywins Snowflake Gothic Dream Brywins Largese S Weigel
Best Play Cam Best Christianna Marie S Fletcher Brywins Sweetdreams Dream Away Sweet Baby O Brywins Stud
Blackjack Daylon Alert Mye Luck D Lowther Brywins Victory E Dees Cam Vociferous Brywins Stud
Brywins Bouncer Gothic Dream Playful Bunny R Evans Chapstick Chaps Deliver the Glory G Dowse
Brywins Murphy Gothic Dream Medina Hanover Brywins Stud Cool Babe Safely Kept Coalford Reality G Clarke
Caenwood Chaz Nianimble Ripley J Price Dakota Blue Chaps Lady Ella L J Smith
Caenwood Graduate Nianimble Pebblesinthesand J Price Diva Raque Bogart Three Cheers W J Clark
Castle Casino House of Cards Eye on Ayr H Barrett Duggans Cherished Playwithafulldeck Dearly Loved Lee Price
Chinatown Romeo Blatantly Bald Meadowbranch Aruba H Kaye Duggans Panache The Panderosa Pannery Row M Duggan
Chinatown Viper The Cammisioner Kiwi Turnaround G Jones Jill and Jones Hasty Hall Annie's Lady D Murphy
Democrat Nianimble Deciving J Taff Kentucky Commander Young Commander Lady Do R Evans
Demon Alight Young Commander On Fire E Lloyd Jones Kentucky Lady Creativity April Lady R Evans
Dragon Delight Splurge Hanover Festive Scooter P Rogers Kentucky Sunshine Young Commander Rich Kentucky R Evans
Dragon Fly Village Jasper Bon Evita S Weigel Ladyford Margaret Raque Bogart Just Disraeli J Stewart
Dragonmatic Dragon Again Westomatic S Fletcher Lakeside Tango King Cam Coalford Scooter M M John
Dream maker Armbro Operative Decode S Young Lyons Aimee Jimmy Long Lyons Cam Can Lyons Stud
Dreamsome Crouch Fooling J Taff Lyons Anita Jimmy Long Lyons Carrie Laura Lyons Stud
Duke of Starzzz Four Starzzz Shark Lady Genius C Nicol Lyons Chantelle Jimmy Long Lyons Montana Lyons Stud
Dumbledore Todays Man Die for Love V Gill Lyons Lisa Jimmy Long Saunders Seelster Lyons Stud
Howards Gigolo Village Marquis Penny Lover J Howard Lyons Pendyffryn Jimmy Long Lyons Camp Best Lyons Stud
Jack High Aces N Sevens On The Come Back Trail A Swinbank Mahogany Gem Village Jasper Mahogany Shark A Brown
John Dillinger DM Dillinger Chappaqua Barb C Nuttall Mahogany Mission Villlage Jasper Ultimate Decision Mahogany Stables
Keemosahbee Young Commander Bustling Beauty E Lloyd Jones Majestic Rosa The Panderosa Majestic Eagle J Reay
Ladyford Rebel Daylon Alert Just A Yank J Stewart Meadowbranch Angel Sable Matters Western Heartbeat Meadowbranch
Lyons Stephen Hasty Hall Lyons Sharai Lyons Stud Meadowland Fantasy Playwithafulldeck Rebacrombie G Sawyer
Matt Munro Matts Scooter Sakra Pearl D Lowther Meaodowbranch Ruby The Cammisioner Boot Scootin Yank Meadowbranch
Meadowbranch Blair Real Desire Emotional Meadowbranch Misty Chaps Chaps Lakeside Mist Cernyw Stables
Meadowland Tom The Cammisioner Meadowbranch Mama C Bevan Play with Silk Playwithafulldeck Miss Silk P Mather
Meaodwbranch Demon The Cammisioner Churchill Queen Meadowbranch Princess D Allamerican Ingot Caroline S Fletcher
Oakview Duke Hasty Hall Oakview Lady Oakview Stables Point West Chaps Fandance Hanover B Thomas
On top 24/6 Silky Stallone Cedars Laag Jam C Nicol Rhyds Longshot Jimmy Long Coalford Magic W Smart
Peterstone Coyote Young Commander Magical Flight M O'Brien Rhyds Pandora No Pan Intended Pontiac Pans AM J & G Wright
Peterstone JJ Jimmy Long Hellcat Hanover P O'Brien Rhyds Rhythm Hasty Hall Brown Shoes D Isaac
Rebus Todays Man Slim Shady W J Clark Riverside Hall Dragon Again Be Bad Girl G Harrison
Red Mischief Daylon Alert Saunders Ember I Holgate Stackin the Deck The Panderosa All Pans on Deck Meadowbranch
Rhyds Destiny Hasty Hall CPR K Addiss Sylvanna's Chaps Chaps Sylvanna S Fletcher
Rhyds Phantom Hasty Hall Jeannines Girl K Dawson Tiny Pocket Chaps Pocket Veto S Fletcher
Rhyds X Factor Hasty Hall Shore Factor D Chan Village Star Village Jasper Eye of the Storm Bousfield Sisters
Roddy Hanover Western Ideal Robin Redbreast G Clarke Widdle Wabbit Todays Man Silvertail V Gill
The Rigger Amec Rigger Magical Bell L Bell Wotcamsnext Safely Kept Somethingfordaboys A Swinbank
Touch of Chaps Chaps Touch Softly Cernyw Stables Yankee Chaps Chaps Yankee Alta S Fletcher
Un named DM Dillinger Stoneriggs Supreme B Barry Ynys Kate Chaps Ynys Joanne Cernyw Stables
Un named Best Sunshine Springhill Fiddle J Sheridan Un named Village Connection Lucky Lilly K Wakefield
Un named Best Sunshine John's Dream J Sheridan Un named Best Sunshine Yankee Cheyanne J Sheridan
Western Hall Western Hanover Camtouchthis G Harrison Un named Best Sunshine Springhill Connoly J Sheridan
Wexford Beach Grinfromeartoear Apopka Denise M T Jones Un named Best Sunshine Frisco Sharp J Sheridan
Ynys Gwalia Gothic Dream Ynys Beth A Jones Un named JW's Best Hurry Up Heather C Nuttall
Ayr Escape Artiscape Unforgotten H O'Neill Un named Daylon Alert Eicarls Que Pasa N Holgate
Cam's Pick Cambest Pollyanna's Pick J J Firth Un named Cams Security Kentucky Mir G Carey
Spa Street Porsche Village Jasper Popcorn Sally J J Firth
Springfield Storm Daylon Alert Double Density G Carson
Thanks a Million Million Dollar Cam L J J Firth **Colt list ammended 01/02/09 as colt omitted in clerical error